Imbued with a relentless fighting spirit, Boxing is a mystical sports and travel drama about two generations of fighters. Saúl (Laurynas Jurgelis) is a talented boxer whose exceptional potential is recognised by the club's coach (Marius Repšys), who wants to make him a world champion at any cost. Tsigan (Gediminas Rimeika) is a sidelined boxer unwilling to accept the position of the outsider. Sensing his ambition, a businessman (Giedrius Savickas) takes it upon himself to take care of the young athlete and tries to overcome the traumas of his life.
Who will end the fight with a knockout?
The clash between two young boxers, Saúl and Tsigan, in a club of local renown ignites global ambitions that transcend geography and, at times, the boundaries of the physical world. The journey of the young men discovering the fighter in themselves becomes a means for old wolves to settle scores. On the one hand, society reveres the fighters as heroes, on the other, it rejects them accusing them of aggression. The paradox of the fighter triggers a drive towards self-destruction. Boxers destroy their opponents, but when they win, they often feel they have destroyed themselves.
Unlike other sports, boxing is not ‘played’. Therefore, it will be real fighters supervised by professional trainers who will appear on the theatre stage. The physical and psychological preparation of the actors for the performance is unique.
Production partner – “City Boxing”, a boxing and fitness club
Production sketch created in collaboration with the “Utopia Theatre”
Creation of the sketch was supported by the Lithuanian Council for Culture