It is not an exorcism session, although it is very similar. Because what do you do if you feel like you're possessed? Possessed by another person, by their life, by their creativity? That person is Virginia Woolf, the famous writer you keep trying to impersonate to break free. But that's not enough – for the session to take place, there has to be a relentless confrontation with oneself. Not afraid of Virginia? First of all, you have to not be afraid of yourself.
Virginia Woolf is important to me because she showed me her treasures and even gave me the key to open and use them. It is difficult to read Virginia Woolf's works without knowing about her: "Every secret of a writer’s soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind is written large in his works." This is what happened to me with her diaries, which I found on tour. Then the journey towards her began.
Virginia Woolf is one of the hundred best writers in the world. And if her crystal-sounding, sincere, vibrating "stream of consciousness" resonates with the consciousness of the reader and the viewer – it all could happen as it happened to me. It will just be hard to break free.
Neringa Bulotaitė